Wednesday, March 20, 2013

PicCollage Everything!

This week I was exposed for the first time to PicCollage.  This is a free app that allows the user to create and design a collage!  Due to the ease of the program and the ability to add pictures easily from the web, your own camera, text, and even fun stickers it is extremely versatile and can be used for many purposes!  The program allows you to change the size of the pictures, rotate and move them, change the background and display.  As a result you never make the same collage twice!  It is the modern scrap booking!  And best of all when you are done you can easily email your collage, print, post to twitter or Facebook for easy sharing with a click of a button.  Did I mention this app is free??

Here are some tasks I came up with for using this app.

Activity 1 - This is one I did with a girl in grade 5 that I tutor in Math.  She was asked to display using PicCollage everything she has learned so far in Math.  I never knew how proud she was of her self and how much she likes to do Math now prior to this activity.

Activity 2 - great activity for students with special needs (Autistic) who require step by step tasks.  Would also be great for visual recipes, or schedules - and would be fun for the students to make themselves.

Activity 3 - this is an adapted scavenger hunt using pictures instead of using words.

Activity 4 - LOVE!  You can use PicCollage for any art activity ie/ Mothers Day cards, Fathers Day, Christmas, Valentines, etc.

Activity 5 - Space!  PicCollage can be used to activate prior knowledge in any subject or topic.

Activity 6 - Character review - in a book review, have students use PicCollage to share information about a character.
Activity 7 - Healthy Foods - I used this with my son to brainstorm various healthy foods.  His first option was pizza.  Second option was cookies.  Once we got going on what is healthy he did a great job.  All of these were his ideas and after I typed in the words he chose the picture and moved to where he wanted it.  3 years old!  I could have had him take pictures of healthy foods from our refridgerator as well which would have allowed him even more independence.

Activity 8 - Things that are round.  In a Geometry unit we could brainstorm Math in the real world.

Activity 9 - All About Me - great for beginning of the year in order to get students to share a bit about themselves.

Activity 10 - Math lesson - great for number sense in order to grasp concept of how much 100 dollars is (or any amount of money or number of things, etc.).  


  1. Pic Collage is one of my favorite Apps. There are so many fantastic ways students can display their knowledge of the material covered during class. As mentioned in your blog Pic Collage is: "a modern scrapbooking.” One can still preserve memories without spending all kinds of many and using a lot of space. Activity #2: is exactly what I want some of my students to do with their recipe assignment. I love the step-by-step visual aid on how to do a certain task. Like many of my students, I am a visual learner. I rather have somebody show me how to do things (how I learnt to cook) instead of telling me. What comes out of somebody’s mouth and what comes in my head does not always match. All the activities included on this blog make sense to me because I know have a visual idea of what each task is about.

  2. Thanks MissK! I agree with you - many of us require a visual support to be successful. If it weren't for the step by step picture instructions in many of the assembly items that I've purchased in the past (like small furniture), I don't' know if I would have been able to assemble correctly! I love how simple this app is! Thanks for your comments.
